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Another March Planned to Bring Awareness to Drug Epidemic

By Joe Morey

News Editor

The group that organized the “Community Against Meth and Heroin March’ back in early September, announce another March to take plae on Sunday, Oct. 10, at Noon to further call attention to the drug epidemic currently plaguing the Reservation.

“Please walk with us to help spread the awareness of what these poisons are doing to our friends and family. How many more people do we need to lose before it's time we say enough is enough,” stated Charled Jared Kagigebi, one of the organizers, along with Steve Clause and Tony Gouge.

The March will start as a community rally at the LCO Tribal Office Pavilion at Noon. The organizers said they will then coordinate transport into each community where they will march through bringing attention to the meth and heroin.

Kagigebi said at the gathering, we'll have someone say a prayer for us before the walk, we'll also have the drum group 'Manidoons' to accompany us.

Although the flyer says there will a potluck after the March, due to Covid, the meal won’t take place.

“We hope to bring awareness straight to the dealers that are pushing these poisons in our community,” Kagigebi explained. “They’re killing our people, our friends and family. We just hope to put a stop to the drugs being pushed here at LCO. I know we can’t stop it all, but we need to try.”

Kagigebi said he will provide transportation through the Sober Driver Project for any Elders or others who are not able to walk through the communities.

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