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Autism Walk/Run held at the Ball Fields to Raise Awareness

The 2nd Annual Autism Awareness Walk/Run was held on Saturday, May 22 at the Ball Fields and Sevenwinds Casino.

The walk is organized by Deanna Maguire, who first started the walk three years ago but was cancelled last year due to the Covid Pandemic.

"I wanted to spread more information about Autism and in hopes teach people to be more kind and understanding to kids, adults and families with Autism," Maguire told LCO News. "Also teach kids about other kids with disabilities and just how to be nice to all people that are not the same as you."

Maguire thanked the LCO Headstart for sponsoring and buying the tee shirts.

"I will never stop trying to make the world a better place for my kids," Maguire stated.

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