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Boys and Girls Club Youth Visit Bizhiki Healing Garden

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

On July 26, the LCO Boys & Girls Garden Club visited the Bizhiki Healing Garden to help plant sweet grass, tie sage bundles and learn about some of the medicinal plants in the garden.

“It was a great educational experience,” stated Gina Krizan, the Circles of Care Prevention and Training Coordinator. “The kids learned about indigenous and medicinal plant uses at the Bizhiki Healing Garden. Students helped find plants and post informational signage. We talked about the medicine wheel and the meaning of the four directions, four medicines. We have tobacco, white sage, sweet grass and cedar growing at Bizhiki.”

Krizan said the garden has been a great addition to the Bizhiki Wellness Center for their clients to enjoy. She said another Boys and Girls Club visit to the Garden is being planned.

Krizan added the Bizhiki Healing Garden has a Sobriety Wal every Monday until Labor Day at 4:30 pm. All are welcome. The walk is 2.5 miles.

Aerial View of the Bizhiki Healing Garden.

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