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Braden's Battle: Green Bay Packers Help Make A Wish Come True

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

By Joe Morey

News Editor

It’s been a long road over the past two years for 12-year old Braden Young ever since being diagnosed with T-Cell Leukemia in August of 2018. He’s now in the third phase of his battle and his mother, Susan Taylor, reports he is doing well and his blood counts are in a good range.

Braden and his family just finished up a Grand Canyon trip after the Make-A-Wish Foundation granted Braden’s wish, which was originally intended to be a trip for the family to Hawaii, but the arrival of the Covid-19 Pandemic postponed the trip twice.

“So Make-A-Wish asked Braden if he wanted to change his wish or they said the process might have to be restarted,” Susan explained. Wishes have to be granted within a year. It was then that a camper was presented to the family and the Grand Canyon adventure began.

After receiving the camper, Susan and Braden asked who the Grantor was so that they could thank them and to their surprise, they were told the camper was donated by the Green Bay Packers.

Unfortunately Susan added, they didn’t get to meet the team, but they were still extremely thrilled to get the chance to take a cross-country trip.

“This was so much better because we were able to travel safely. He got to see everything and experience everything and stay safe from covid-19,” Susan noted.

In addition to Susan and Braden taking the trip, Braden’s brothers, Derek, Bradley, Brendan and Brody also came along as well as his cousin McKayl and Grandma Cindy. Susan said sadly two of his siblings, Dakota and Kiara had to work and were unable to come along.

Susan said they were going to make it a two week trip and see a lot, but, because Braden was sickly the last half of the summer and in the hospital twice they had to wait until his counts were up.

“As they (his counts) got closer we felt safe to leave,” Susan said. “They weren't quite there so his doctors made a plan on stopping for bloodwork and where to go in case of emergency. We shortened the trip to eight days.”

They traveled to the Grand Canyon first. “They loved that and it was their favorite part of the trip. We camped an extra night there.”

They then traveled to the Crazy Horse Monument and Mount Rushmore.

“We didn't get to go through Yellowstone and everything over there like we wanted because our trip was shortened,” Susan stated. “Next year we want to head out east to states like Maine. Hopefully Kiara and Dakota can make that one.”

If you’d like to read our original story about Braden’s Battle: From Little League to Luekemia, click here.

Pictured above from L-R) with siblings Brody, Derek, Brendan, Dakota, Braden, Kiara, Bradley standing in front of the camper donated by the Green Bay Packers

Pictured from L-R) are Susan, Braden, Derek, Bradley, McKayl, Brody, Brendan and Cindy.

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