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Candidate Deadlines, Advertising and Absentee Voting Rules

Updated: Apr 28, 2019

Deadlines for all nominated candidates for the 2019 LCO Tribal Governing Board election to accept their nominations, pay the $200 fee and submit to drug testing and background check are this Tuesday, April 30.

Each candidate must first pay the fee at the Accounting Office in the tribal administration building. Once the fee is paid, the candidate must take the receipt to the Enrollment Office and sign their acceptance of the nomination. At that time, the candidate will be directed to the Human Resource Office. The HR Director will set up the drug test and conduct a background check.

Regarding access to LCO News Media outlets, all candidates will be allowed to write a 300-word campaign letter at no charge that will be printed in the May 3 printed newspaper edition. Letters will only be printed in the newspaper. Deadline for this newspaper is Tuesday, April 30, at Noon.

Any other access will be on a paid-for basis. The rate will be standard for all candidates for a flyer-size advertisement at $60 for each of the following; printed newspaper, online newspaper, or website news story. All three for $150 will also get a Facebook share. Inquire about other sizes and frequencies.

On another note, the Absentee Voting policy only allows absentee voting for military or nursing home residents. Otherwise, voting must be done at one of two locations, the tribal office or New Post community center.

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