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Chairman Says Sawyer County Positive Covid is not from LCO

Good afternoon Tribal Members

In response to Sawyer County Public Health’s first confirmed positive Covid-19 case, I’d like to inform our Tribal Membership that at this time, the confirmed case is not a Tribal Member or employee of the Tribe. We’ll continue to keep the membership informed if and when things should change.

This morning upon learning of this first confirmation, Public Health informed the Sawyer County Board Chairman and myself. We were involved in the steps notifying our respective communities. We’ve been preparing for a case of COVID-19 and are taking the necessary steps to limit further spread.

As of this writing, LCO Health Center’s Incident Commander, Summer Pearson, informed me that 26 tests have been performed with 23 negatives and three we are awaiting results. We’ve only had three more tests since Friday’s update, which Summer said indicates that the number of illnesses in our community are declining.

I’d like to acknowledge our Tribal Membership for doing such a great job with observing the stay at home and social distancing guidelines. Please continue to observe these safety measures until further notice.

In the meantime, we should all keep this person in our thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. This person should be acknowledged for isolating themselves immediately after taking the test which may have helped prevent any spread in the community.

Please stay safe everyone. Miigwech.

Louis Taylor LCO Chairman

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