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Clinic Receives MRI Accreditation

On Wednesday, Jan. 28, the LCO Health Center Director, Gary Girard, was informed by Dale DeBrot, Diagnostic Imaging Director, that the clinic had received MRI Accreditation from the American College of Radiology, which will accredit the clinic the for the next three years.

"Our accreditation process began in September of last year," stated DeBrot. "The American College of Radiology's Committee on MRI Accreditation examines such items as clinical image quality, record keeping and quality control. By passing the MRI Accreditation, it assures that our patients are receiving quality care. Accreditation is also a CMS requirement for reimbursement of Medicare and Medicaid claims."

Girard thanked the X-Ray department of the LCO Health Center telling them they are the standard for excellence.

LCO TGB member Tweed Shuman, who served as a community nurse in the clinic for 30 years, said this was awesome news for the community and congratulated Dale and the entire team.

"Chi-Miigwetch Dale for all that you and your department do for our clinic," stated Lorraine Gouge, LCO Vice-Chairwoman. "We are proud of the care and professionalism that is given to our people by our health center."

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