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Elder Services Program News Updates

Doreen Wolfe

LCO Elder Service Program Assistant

Christmas has passed and the New Year has begun. For some of us it was a struggle to get through the holidays and for some it was a lonely time as we are missing our loved ones at this time of the year. My wish for you is peace of mind, prosperity, happiness, and most importantly good health for this New Year.

This is a great time to remind you that the snow has begun and will continue throughout the coming months. I will be mailing out our policies to all that are on the Snow Plow list. It is imperative that you read these policies. One of the main concerns our snow plow operators have is that when they show up to plow your driveway you have your vehicles parked so they cannot do a clean sweep. They try to make every effort to let you know that they are out there by honking their horns or they will give you a call so you can move your vehicles.

Some of your letters are coming back. Maybe you have a PO Box or you have moved or I just don’t have the correct address. I would appreciate it if you will give me a call so that I can update this list with your physical address and mailing address and your phone number.

The Elder Services is allowing the home repair account to assist you in removing snow from your roof tops if you have any available in your account. Like last year, you and your contractor will need to sign a Release of Liability form before the work is started and the contractor will get paid once the job is complete.

Our January outing for the Elder and Disabled will be an overnight stay at Grand Casino Hinckley on January 30-31, 2020. This trip was booked up within a few short days so maybe we will have to take another trip to allow others to enjoy an overnight stay. If you have any questions I can be reached at 715-957-0007 or 715-558-7940.

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