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Elder Services Report for January

Terrance Manuelito

LCO Tribal Aging Director

LCO Tribal Veteran Service Officer

Good Morning to all, I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read some important updates in regards to upcoming events and happenings for 2020. Time has continued to fly right on by and we are now entering February, with that being said here are some things to announce:

  • We have received numerous inquiries regarding roof shoveling of snow, we are allowing tribal elders and disabled to utilize their home repair funds to remove snow, the homeowner as well as the contractor will need to sign a Release of liability in order to provide service. Please contact Doreen Wolfe for more information, 715 957-0027.

  • Chi-Miigwech to the LCO Tribal Governing Board for approving the acquisition of 2 new Meal Delivery Vehicles for the continuation of our home delivered meal service, this was an ongoing process and would like to thank all those involved and getting our vehicles replaced.

  • The LCO Elder & Disabled Services was formally notified by Grace Livingston, Elder Benefit Specialist, GLITC that she will be tentatively off work until further notice due to a personal issue. In the meantime, if you need assistance with EBS/DBS issues, Rachel Coughtry, Disability Benefits Specialist will assist 715-892-7909.

  • The LCO Tribal Aging & Disability Resource Specialist (TADRS) position was vacated by Jesse Taylor-Trepanier as she accepted another position in the Hayward area, I would like to thank her for the time and services she provided. The job posting is being advertised and hopefully be filled by next month in February.

  • The next GLNAEA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 4th & Thursday March 5th, in Keshena, WI and will be hosted by the Menominee Tribe. Clara Jalowitz is assisting with notifying the LCO GLNAEA group and the Elder Bus will be leaving the LCO Tribal office at 10am Wednesday, March 4th.

  • Ann Belisle, North Country Independent Living will be providing monthly outreach site visits to the LCO Elder Services Center and the flyer is listed below for dates and times.

  • Matt Riedell, LCO Recycling Center is currently coordinating efforts to expand Recycling services to LCO Community Elders, there is a flyer attached to this report below.

I am thankful for the opportunity to share these updates with you and look forward to seeing or hearing from you in the near future, Miigwech!

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