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Free Clothing and Other Items to Be Given Away During Labor Day Weekend

Submitted by Sue Aasen

Board Member of the Circle

Starting this Friday September 5, 2020 through Monday September 7, 2020, the Circle for Indigenous Peoples Rights,Inc. (the Circle) will be sponsoring a Free Clothing Weekend during Labor Day Weekend at the Trading Post across from LCO Country Store. Included in all the items on the tables will be household furnishings and kitchen supplies. There will be some limited pieces of furniture. Everything is free. Safety precautions will be in effect. Masks and hand sanitizer are available at the first table. The Circle is reminding everyone to practice social distancing of the 6 feet space. The first free clothing drive started in February 2020 with items being available in the village of New Post. In addition to the clothing and furnishings, we offered soup, sandwiches and desert. The event truly was a community gathering. People stopped in to visit each other and have a sandwich or desert. The Circle was asked to continue sponsoring these events. The purpose of the clothing drives is to assist families in our community when jobs and resources are scarce. The Circle membership and supporters realize that during this Covid 19 crisis, our budgets make it difficult to meet the needs of our families. This event is the most effective way to help each other. We see many happy faces when families show up to browse and find an item that is useful for their household. Children just love to go shopping at the Trading Post where all the table are stacked with clothing and toys are found in special places around the front porch. It is nice to see people look for items that are needed by somebody else or for themselves. The Circle for Indigenous Peoples Rights, Inc. is a community non-profit organization that has existed since 2001. The current Board of Directors are: Deb Bracklin-Butler, Dale Cooper, Nancy Cooper, Dave Baker, Kim LaRonge, Corrine Gurneau and Susan Aasen. The Circle is collaborating with other non-profit organizations in the Hayward area to maintain donations. Linda Graham, Sawyer County Humane Society Board Member, works tirelessly to keep communications open for donated items.

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