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Health Director Gives Update on Covid-19

By Gary Girard

LCO Public Health Officer

Sawyer County Covid-19 cases continue to climb. This week, 45 new positive cases were confirmed. This is a surge, we went from 19 cases a month ago to 115 on 8/17/2020. This week alone there were 45 new cases. About 50% of all cases are still active and 510 are being monitored through contact tracing. Community members are infecting each other. New cases are being passed among relatives and friends while the infected person is asymptomatic. Family gathering and barbeques are frequent exposure sites. We have been letting our guard down, and socializing. We can’t expect the cases to decline until we follow CDC guidelines. Limit gathering to 10 or less and maintain social distancing of 6 feet or more. If you have a family gathering try to have it outdoors. Don’t share hugs, handshakes, etc. Wear face masks, social distance, use hand sanitizers, don’t share food from your plate, clean and disinfect surfaces, etc.

COVID-19 Weekly Update:

Monday, August 17, 2020

115 positive

69 Active

46 recovered

510 monitoring

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