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June Report from Tribal Dementia Care Specialist

Submitted by Rosalie Gokee

Tribal Dementia Care Specialist

LCO Elder Center

It was a pleasure to attend the Elder Association Meeting on May 6th as I was able to share information about dementia, provide information about Memory Screens, and distribute my new business cards.

I have been invited to present to a summer youth group in July to share about my life experiences and l plan to include information about my role as the Tribal Dementia Care Specialist. This is a great opportunity to create an awareness and to educate youth about preventing risk factors for dementia that include: Age; Obesity; Low Physical Activity; Diabetes; Alcohol; Smoking; Head Injury; and Heart Disease.

Just a friendly reminder that the LCO Aging & Disability Services Program has portable ramps, wheelchairs, walkers, depends, crutches and some canes available for those that need them. Assistance with covering the cost of respite services is also available, to qualifying individuals, and requires forms to be completed. Feel free to call if you have any questions.

Listed below is information regarding virtual Dementia Education Programs that individuals are free to participate in at no cost:

Sleep and Better Brain Health, Friday, June 18th, 1:00-2:30 p.m., call 1-839-4735 to register.

A live webinar about healthy sleep and how it affects your brain. Sleep is more than a passive activity. It is vital for brain health and has been show to both protect and help heal your brain.

Better Brain Fridays:

ü Friday, July 9th, 10:00-11:30 a.m., Call 1-715-839-4735 to register.

The Adverse Childhood Experiences, Trauma, and Brain Health in Older Adults.

ü Friday, July 23rd, 10:00-11:30 a.m., Call 1-715-839-4735 to register.

Joy, Happiness, and Brain Health

I welcome your calls at (715) 558-7944 if you are interested receiving information about dementia, scheduling a confidential memory screen, or a caregiver needing resource information.

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