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LCO College Extension February Calendar of Events

Amber Marlow

Dean of Continuing Education and Customized Training

LCO Ojibwe College

Boozhoo Students, Staff, Faculty, and Community Members!

LCOOCC Extension’s mission is to empower members of the Lac Courte Oreilles and surround communities through embracing the traditional values and language of the Anishinaabe people.

All workshops and events are provided through the college’s 1994 land grant funding through the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and through a traditional arts grant from the American Indian College Fund.

Workshops are open to the community!  You do not have to be a student to attend our workshops.  To register for a workshop – reply to this email, or email, or stop in to Rm 615, or call us at 715-634-4790 Ext 121.

Continuing Education

Check out our new web-page!

Upcoming February 1 credit courses include:  Intro to Hemp Production (2/19 and 2/20 – full days) - $63 course, Intro to Moccasin Making – starts Wed. 2/26 5-8pm (5 consecutive Wed) (course fees covered by AICF grant)

Extension – Community Education

Tai Chi is every Tuesday from 4-5pm –in the Auditorium – come when you can!  Dress appropriately in comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. 

Tuesday’s at the Farm– All supplies provided.  There will be a class at the farm every Tuesday now through May!

Beading Circle –5-8pm every Wednesday in the 600 wing.  Bring your project or start a new one!  Supplies and a meal are provided.  Parking is provided in the northeast parking lot.

If you have an idea or request for winter community education class please let us know– we are working on our calendars!  We are here to serve you!

Don’t forget to LIKE our Facebook page: Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College Extension

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