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LCO Field Workers Knocking on Random Doors for Community Assessment

The Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians launched the LCO Community Assessment a couple of weeks ago with an initial housing unit mapping operation. This past week the household survey field workers began knocking on doors.

This critical effort will develop an accurate emergency response/9-1-1 map, assess community needs and opportunities, and let the Tribe and the residents of the reservation tell their own story through their responses to questions developed by tribal program staff.

Locally hired staff and interns from Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College will be collecting data from Native and non-Native households included in the random sample (approx. 40% of housing units on the reservation) for the next 8 weeks, and paper forms will be mailed to tribal members living off-reservation in Sawyer County. An online form will also be made available to participating households which can be accessed at the following link

This important project will provide up-to-date, accurate information about the characteristics, needs, and priorities of the LCO community. Tribal leadership will use this data to inform strategic planning and prioritize community needs and concerns in the development and delivery of programs and services.

If your household is selected as part of the random sample, you will be representing your community and its needs. All information collected will be strictly confidential and will never be used against you or your household. Your honest answers will enable the Tribe to more effectively help community members and their families and strengthen applications for grants and program funding.

As noted above, survey forms will be delivered using the following methods:

In-person: Residents of the Lac Courte Oreilles Indian Reservation were hired to administer the Community Assessment survey form to randomly selected households on the reservation through household visits. If you are not home when your house is visited, a staff member will return for a follow-up visit at another time and leave information about how to schedule a convenient time that works for you, as well as instructions for completing the survey form online.

Online: If your household is part of the randomly selected sample, you will be able to access the survey online using the code provided to your household by the Community Assessment staff member. This code ensures that no one else can complete the survey form for you and it lets us know when your household has completed the form. Off-reservation LCO members will receive a survey code and instructions for completing the online form through the mail.

Mail (off-reservation only): If you are an LCO member and live off-reservation in Sawyer County, you will be sent a survey form and a survey code through the mail at the address on file with the Enrollment Office. Please update your Enrollment information so we can reach you! You can return the completed paper form using the included self-addressed stamped envelope. You will also have the option to complete the form online.

Why should you complete this survey? It will help the Tribe assess the needs of reservation residents and LCO members living off-reservation in Sawyer County; It will inform Tribal leaders as they decide how to use resources and plan for the future; It will strengthen applications for new tribal funding; It will support the Band's’ sovereignty; and Participating households will be eligible for raffle prizes and other incentives.

What topic areas will the survey include? Household size and demographic information; Housing and utilities; Income; Employment; Education; Child and elder care; Health and wellness; Culture and language; and Your priorities for the Band.

The Survey Field Workers who will be knocking on doors over the next 8 weeks.

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