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LCO Fire Department Monthly Report

We had a fundraiser at the LCO Veteran’s pow-wow, here is a list of the winners. Also, with these raffles, was a 50/50.

Little girls’ bike – Allyah Isham

Little boys’ bike – Danielle Carley

Angel Plate – Roberta Crowe

Lion Slippers – Danielle Carley

T-Shirt – Daniel Grover

McDonald’s – Sheila Barber

Animal Figurine – Daniel Grover

Oven Mitts – Lorraine Gouge

McDonald’s Daniel Grover

T- shirt – Danielle Carley

Little Animal Spike – Lorraine Gouge

T-Shirt – Roberta Crowe

McDonald’s – Lorraine Gouge

Towels – Sheila Barber

Hanging Picture Frame – Roberta Crowe

The winner of the 50/50 raffle for $62.00 was Roberta Crowe. Congratulations to all the winners. We raised $107.00 Dollars total from the fundraiser.

Now that the Winter months are here we are using woodstoves and furnaces. I just would like to share some information on Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is the “INVISIBLE” killer. It is a colorless, odorless gas. Every year more then 100 people in the US die from unintentional exposure to Carbon Monoxide associated with consumer products. Carbon Monoxide is produced by burning fuel. Therefore, any fuel-burning appliance in our home is a potential CO source. When cooking or heating are kept in good working order, they produce little CO. IMPROPERLY operating appliances can produce fatal CO concentrations in your home.

Carbon Monoxide Clues you can see include rusting or water streaking on vent/chimney; loose or missing furnace panels; sooting; debris or soot falling from the chimney, fireplace, or appliances; loose or disconnected vent/chimney, fireplace, or appliance; loose masonry on chimney; moisture inside of windows.

Carbon monoxide clues you cannot see include internal appliance damage or malfunctioning components; improper burner adjustments; hidden blockage or damage in chimneys.

Only a trained service technician can detect hidden problems and correct these conditions!

CO Poisoning symptoms have been experienced when you are home, but they lessen or disappear when you are away from your home.

WARNINGS…..Never leave a car running in a garage even with the garage door open; never run a generator in the home, garage, or crawlspace – opening doors and windows or using a fan will NOT prevent CO build up in the home, never install or service combustion appliances without proper knowledge, skills, and tools; never put foil on the bottom of a gas oven because it interferes with combustion.

The initial symptoms of CO Poisoning are like the flu (but without the fever) they include:










If you experience any of these symptoms, get out of the residence and call 911.

When it snows, it piles up on the roofs of the home. When the roof is shoveled off, please walk around the residence to make sure that all vents are cleared of snow, these cannot be blocked.


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