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LCO Housing Authority Employees Do Their Part with Roadside Clean Up

Submitted by LCO Housing Authority

On Friday, April 16, 2021, the employees of the LCO Housing were out conducting their annual Adopt-A-Road clean-up. Our Adopt-A-Road is from E & N in Reserve up to Larson Road. I am proud of our employees who participate in this annual event. They not only clean our portion of the road, but go above and beyond by extending the roadside clean up all the way through Six Mile.

This year after that portion of the roads were clean, we also cleaned both entrances (East & West) of Tower Rd. We had one tenant that came out and offered to help as well—Thomas Holmes Jr., thank you for that!

Challenge flag thrown to all the other Adopt-A-Road crews!

Let’s keep our communities clean and beautiful!

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