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LCO Ojibwe College Goes Back to Mask Requirement

By President Russell Swagger

LCO Ojibwe College

After careful consideration, I have decided to amend the current masking mandate. As of August 12th, 2021, masking will be “MANDATORY” for the LCOOC campus and the LCOOC Outreach sites when indoors. Outreach sites are subject to the guidelines of their respective tribal leadership.

Additional Points

The LCOOC campus and the LCOOC Outreach sites will continue to follow all the COVID-19 safety precautions as outlined below:

1. Please comply with the 6-foot social distancing rule while indoors; 2. Please comply with the Check-in protocol via the QR code to enter the building; 3. Please comply with being temperature screened upon entering the building; 4. Please answer the prescreening questions to enter the building; and 5. Please continue to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer frequently and as needed.

I will be working in conjunction with the COVID-19 Coordinator and the COVID-19 Task force to update our guidelines and with any changes that will need to occur.

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