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LCO Ojibwe University Extension Office Releases March Schedule

By Cali Quaderer

Extension Coordinator

Boozhoo Students, Staff, Faculty, and Community Members!

LCOOU Extension’s mission is to empower members of the Lac Courte Oreilles and surrounding communities through embracing the traditional values and language of the Anishinaabe people.

All workshops and events are provided through the college’s 1994 land grant funding through the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and through a traditional arts grant from the American Indian College Fund.

Workshops are open to the community! You do not have to be a student to attend our workshops. We are moving our programs back to in person but will still be offering some classes via Zoom. Please feel free to share our programs with your colleagues and networks. Registration for each months workshops, open on the 15th of the previous month. April 2023 workshops will open on March 15th.

Be sure to check out Extension’s NEW calendar – Pop up workshops will continued to be scheduled throughout the year. LCOOU Extension is also recruiting for new instructors – If you or someone you may know are interested, please email

Extension – March Featured Workshops

Powwow Sweat Every Tuesday at LCOOU Auditorium and Via Zoom | 6-7pm

Burdock Root Medicine Making 3/7 at LCOOU main campus 600 wing | 4-6pm

Beaded Headband 3/6 & 3/9 at LCOOU main campus 600 wing | 5-8pm

Beginner Hoop Dance – 3/23 at LCOOU Auditorium | 6-7pm

Beaded Bolo Ties – 3/21 & 3/23 at LCOOU main campus 600 wing | 5-8pm

To register for any of these workshops, please visit our website page:

After you register you will receive an email with more details on the workshop.

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