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Long Range Planning Goals Established for LCO

Submitted by the LCO Grants Department

The Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Governing Board approved the 2024-2029 Strategic Goals resulting from the 2-half day strategic planning sessions which took place August 31st and September 1st, at the Sevenwinds Casino, Lodge and Convention Center. Tribal Entity Directors, Program Directors, and other professionals from the Tribe met to brainstorm goals and priorities of their departments and programs for the next 5 years. These goals will provide cohesion in directing the work of the entities, departments, and programs under the Tribe, establish a baseline to measure progress towards attainment, and encourage collaboration and growth of Lac Courte Oreilles.

The goals of Odaawaa Zaaga’iganiing are divided into five divisions:

Economic Development

To have a diversified economy to provide equitable wealth and opportunities to Tribal Members.

This will be measured by unemployment rate reduction of LCO Tribal Members living on reservation, reduced job openings of tribal entities, provided supports to small and tribal owned businesses, and development of new workforce pathways.


To ensure all educational systems and youth serving programs from birth to post-secondary offer a variety of educational offerings, culture and language programs, and workforce development supports to provide equal advancement opportunities to Lac Courte Oreilles. This will be measured by the number of participating community members in language and culture programs, partnerships created between internal and external stakeholders, the number of workforce development supports added, created, and enhanced, as well as participants who have received these programs and supports.

Health & Human Services

To provide efficient and effective services to LCO Tribal Members for an improved quality of life. This will be measured by a reduction in homelessness, increase of client participation in health and human services programs, reduction in substance use fatalities, and increased community engagement.


To provide reliable, safe, and resilient infrastructure for a strong and healthy tribal community. This will be measured by a reduction of departure fatalities within reservation boundaries, increasing the utilization of renewable energy sources to reduce our carbon footprint, increasing the number of tribal members with access to high-speed internet, and increasing the number of LCO residents connected to community water and sewer.

Legal and Criminal Justice

To create a fair and effective legal and criminal justice system that promotes safety for Tribal Members by enforcing tribal laws to uphold the well-being of the LCO community. This will be measured by reduced crime reports within tribal boundaries, reduced rates of violence, reducing unsafe behaviors of community members, and promotion of a positive community driven image of the LCO Police Department and Tribal Court.

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