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Mask Requirement Remains for Tribal Businesses; Recommended for Government Offices

From the Office of LCO Chairman Louis Taylor

As a result of the recent changes to CDC guidelines regarding mask wearing and social distancing, the Tribal Governing Board voted yesterday to highly recommend mask wearing in government offices especially if you are not vaccinated. Mask wearing will continue to be mandatory in our tribal businesses where there is contact with the general public, by both employees and customers.

The current "COVID-19 Screening, Travel, Symptom and Confirmed Diagnosis Policy" is being amended to reflect these changes. The policy will be distributed to all employees once amended and approved by the Tribal Governing Board.

The Governing Board asks that you be mindful of your fellow employees and protect yourself while in public to avoid bringing unnecessary exposure to fellow employees and the tribal community.

If you have not been vaccinated and are eligible to receive the vaccine (no pre-existing condition or weakened immune system), we highly encourage you to contact the Lac Courte Oreilles Community Health Center and make an appointment to receive the vaccine at no cost to you.

Above all, we want our community members and tribal employees to be safe and healthy. Miigwetch!

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