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Meet the Mino Maajisewin Home Visitors

Submitted by the Mino Maajisewiin Program

Melody Guibord, Ashley Rice, Katrina Wolfe

You may have heard about our program, Mino Maajisewin, but do you know our home visitation staff? They are the heart and soul of the program as they are the ones that provide direct service to families participating in the program.

What do our home visitors do?

Home visitors provide weekly home visits to increase parenting skills as well as promote the attachment between the child and primary caregiver. Mino Maajisewin utilizes the Growing Great Kids curriculum which provides information about: Basic Care; Social and Emotional Development; Cues and Communication; Physical and Brain Development; Play and Stimulation; and Self Care for the caregiver.

The home visitor and parents do lots of fun activities that promote a positive and nurturing learning environment for infants and young children. Our home visitors are Melody Guibord, Ashley Rice and Katrina Wolfe

Melody Guibord

Home Visitor

Hello Everyone!

My name is Melody and I have been a Home Visitor with Mino Maajisewin for the past 19 years.

A little bit about me:

My father is Wayne Jensen, and my mother was Lillian Jensen. I am the youngest of three children. I am married to Scott Guibord and we have three sons who are Wayne, Matt and Christian.

We have four grandchildren: Carlos, Amelia, Max and Lucas. One of my favorite things I enjoy doing is hanging out with my grandchildren. I also like listening to music, walking in the woods and working in my flower gardens.

Why I enjoy being a Home Visitor:

I really enjoy working with the families. Not only do I get to work with children, but I also get to work with their parents, sharing with them in their family’s growth and accomplishments.

Ashley Rice


Home Visitor

Hello everyone!

My name is Ashley Rice and I started the home visitor position on 11/1/2021. Since then, I have gone through so many trainings that have enhanced my ability to successfully work with you and your baby.

A little bit about me:

I am a LCO tribal member. I was born and raised in LCO. My parents are Arnold and Lori (Morrow) Rice. I have 2 children: a 13-year-old son and a 1 one-year-old daughter. I also have my 16-year-old nephew in my care. What an age gap, right? My boys enjoy their baby sister’s antics. She is quite the character. When I am not busy with school and work, I like to laugh with my kids, bead, watch movies, and participate in our cultural practices (seasonal living and ceremonies).

Why I enjoy being a Home Visitor:

I really like that this program is a supportive, helpful, fun, and creative way to help foster the relationship between parent and child. I also like that the program helps participants learn about their baby’s development and why they do the things they do! I know it’s easy to get frustrated with our babies but understanding them can help alleviate the frustration.

I have already learned so much about my daughter and her developmental stage. With that being said, I really look forward to working with you and your baby!

Katrina Wolfe

Home Visitor


My name is Katrina “Trina” Wolfe, and I recently joined Mino Maajisewin as one of the home visitors. Before this, I was working for our Early Head Start/Head Start program and for Indian Child Welfare as the Parent Aide/Independent Living Coordinator.

A little bit about me:

I was born at Hayward Memorial Hospital 36 years ago and have lived here on the LCO Reservation since then. My mom, Roxanne Isham, and my grandparents mostly raised me but my father Doug Wolfe was a big part of my life in my teen years and on. I have two biological boys and my daughter who came into my life the day she was born, from my youngest sister.

My home time is spent playing games, baking, cooking with my whole family and constantly thinking of new activities to do with them.

I graduated with an associate degree in Early Childhood Education in 2009.

Why I enjoy being a Home Visitor:

I really feel I can incorporate what I learned through education, past jobs, and past experiences with my own children into home visiting. Being able to work with the next generation of moms, new and experienced, be the best that they can be is something I am looking forward to doing.

If you would like more specific information about the Mino Maajisewin program, please contact the following staff:

• Jenny Bisonette, Program Coordinator, 715-558-7734

• Mary F. Tribble, Grant Manager, 715-558-7735

• Melody Guibord, Home Visitor, 715-558-7736

• Ashley Rice, Home Visitor, 715-558-7737

• Katrina Wolfe, Home Visitor, 715-558-7738

• Carla Miller, Family Resource Specialist, 715-558-7739

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