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MMIR Efforts Continue at Red Cliff and Bad River

From Red Cliff News

Chi-Miigwech to all who took part in the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Relatives gatherings this past Sunday May 5 as we continue to raise awareness and work to bring change to the MMIR crisis.

There was a ceremony, information, and walk here in Gaa-Miskwaabikaang. The group then travelled to take part in the MMIR event in Ashland with our relatives from Mashkiiziibii (Bad River).

You may often see red dresses hanging in public places. These represent missing and murdered Indigenous women. You may also see a red handprint over the mouth, which is another symbol representing this crisis and the lost voice of our relatives.

The murder rate of Native women living on reservations is 10 times higher than the national average. Murder is the third leading cause of death for Native women. More than 84 percent of Native women have experienced violence in their lifetime, and Indigenous women are seven times more likely than non-Indigenous women to be murdered by serial killers.

Chi-Miigwech to Paul M. Walsh for contributing these photos.

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