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Old Public Works Building to be New Dog Pound

By Joe Morey

News Editor

Soon the lost and found dogs of Lac Courte Oreilles will have a new place to hang out while they wait for their owners to claim them. After hearing some complaints about the conditions of the current dog pound, the LCO Tribal Governing Board (TGB) unanimously approved moving the pound into the old Public Works building just down from the LCO Police Department.

Some of the complaints included the current pound has no insulation and the animals are held in the cold and the facility is too far away from the LCO PD and no one checks in on the animals. They also stated the pound leaks when it rains.

The new LCO Public Works building opened for business in May of this year.

LCO Police Chief Tim DeBrot stated they are waiting on an estimate from LCO Development for the cost to convert the old public works into the new dog pound. He also said the police department would utilize the existing dog pound for road maintenance storage.

“Winter is coming and we need to take care of the pets,” stated LCO TGB member Tweed Shuman.

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