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Over 80 Food Baskets Delivered to Those Most in Need

By Joe Morey

News Editor

In an effort to make sure all persons at Lac Courte Oreilles who are in need and currently aren’t being served by all the food delivery programs in operation, the LCO Tribal Governing Board (TGB) initiated a food basket program.

“Since March 19, we have delivered 83 food baskets and we expect to deliver about 40 food baskets every Thursday until this pandemic passes and the Safer-at-Home order is lifted,” explained Karen Gordon, coordinator for the progam.

Gordon said the most of the food baskets also include paper goods, household cleaning products, personal hygiene items and some sacred medicines such as sage, cedar, and sweet grass.

“This is a community effort from local businesses to people volunteering their time,” Gordon said. “We have received contributions from the LCO Tribal Governing Board, LCO Community College, LCO Community Health Center and LCO Food Distribution.”

Donations were also collected by people in the community.

Gordon added there were also 80 lunches made on behalf of the LCO College which were prepared by Shane Corbine and distributed with the food baskets.

Volunteers over the past two weeks include Ricky St. Germaine, Billie Perry, Hannah Burch, Kim Beaudin, Stephanie St. Germaine, Rebecca St. Germaine, LCO College President Russell Swagger, Roxanne Martinson, Karen Breit, Duane DeCora, Sirella Ford, Keshia Chino, Carlena Dennis, Steve Crone, Derek Nebel, Dan Sullivan, Rachel Miller, Storm Belille, and Karen Gordon.

Gordon noted there may have been more volunteers and apologizes to any she overlooked.

"I’d like to thank all who came through and pulled together to help insure the safety and well-being of those who may need a helping hand during this time,” Gordon said.

If anyone would like to make a donation, volunteer, or be considered for a food basket, please contact Karen Gordon at 715-558-7911. In the photos below, volunteers prepare the food baskets. The Criteria for food baskets is listed below the photos.

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