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TGB Approves Rental Policy for Covid, Trespass, and HIP Homes

By Joe Morey

News Editor

The Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Governing Board (TGB) unanimously approved instituting a rental policy for Tribal Members occupying the Covid homes, trespass homes and HIP Homes on the Reservation.

The new policy states any person staying in one of the aforementioned homes when there is no longer an immediate emergency or no longer has Covid, they will be required to pay $500 per month for a 90-day lease, which will include utilities.

James Schlender Jr, the Tribe’s Attorney General, stated the TGB had several objectives which included addressing the homeless who had nowhere to go and were in need for a while; providing a policy for when they were no longer in that situation and a way for them to transition from that situation; and for persons coming out of treatment facilities and had nowhere to go.

Schlender pointed out the new policy will also address some TGB concerns regarding no drug use in the homes and that the shelters are short-staffed and operating on skeleton crews.

“This new policy will make sure there is accountability for the occupant,” Schlender stated. “This is meant to be only a transition and they have to continue looking for a place to live.”

The policy also states no other people are to live in the homes with the approved occupant.

“In one case, we have the original person move out and someone else is living there now,” explained Schlender. He said the policy will address these situations.

The TGB vote was 4-0-0 with Don Carley and Glenda Barber not present for the meeting. Chairman Louis Taylor only votes in a tie.

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