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TGB Issues Important Message to Parents of School-Age Children

Attention Families with School-Age Children:

The LCO Tribal Governing Board recognizes these are challenging times in the midst of COVID-19. Therefore, the TGB is asking for your support in the education of our children. Our schools are providing the tools for in-person and virtual learning. Our children need to be engaged in their schooling now more than ever. The best place for academic study is in our schools. If our parents and guardians do not feel safe sending children to school, students may need more support while learning at home.

Please help by:

· Making sure students get enough sleep each night.

· Providing adequate learning space that is clear, quiet and dedicated for schoolwork.

· Helping with homework as much as possible.

· Helping students stay organized.

· Structuring their school day at home similarly to that at school to help them stay caught up.

· Reaching out to the school office for direction when students need help in any subject.

· Checking messages and responding as soon as reasonably possible (parents and students).

The TGB recognizes this pandemic has affected our community in many ways. “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” As a community, let’s be vigilant and guide our children to get the best education available to them. We are grateful for all of our members who continue to support each other as we enter our winter season. Take care, stay safe, keep practicing the safety measures you’ve been doing, keep praying. We will get through this together.

Humility Bravery Honesty Wisdom Truth Respect Love

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