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Thayer honored for 36 years at Hayward Schools

Updated: Nov 1, 2020

By Joe Morey

News Editor

Long time Johnson O’Malley Elementary School tutor in the Hayward School District, Liz Thayer, retired just prior to the start of the 2020 school year. Thayer was honored at the LCO Tribal Office for her 36 years of dedicated service to the youth of the LCO Reservation attending Hayward.

“You’ve done so much for our kids,” said LCO Vice-Chairwoman Lorraine Gouge as she presented Thayer with gifts on the behalf of the Tribe, including an eagle feather, a Pendleton blanket, wild rice and more. “All the years, all the children, what you’ve done is why we honor you today on your retirement.”

Hayward Elementary Principal, Ronda Lee, at the honoring said she missed Thayer this school year.

“I had the honor of working with Liz. She is dedicated to family and dedicated to the kids,” Lee said. “What I’ve known over the years was how she loved her kids but she still had a no nonsense approach. She knew when to push them back when they went over the boundaries.”

Lee told Thayer, “After 36 years of service I want you to know how special you have been to our school district. Thank you on behalf of the school and myself.”

In the group photo below from L-R) LCO Vice Chairwoman Lorraine Gouge, LCO Sec-Treasurer Michelle Beaudin, Hayward Schools Tribal Liaison Kim Lambert, TGB Member Gary “Little Guy” Clause, Robert Thayer, Liz Thayer, Maxine Thayer, Theresa Cousins, Hayward Schools Home School Coordinator Shane Ewert, Florence Thayer, Intermediate Principle Ronda Lee, Middle School Home School Coordinator Susan Taylor and LCO Chairman Louis Gouge

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