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Truck Load of Food Donated to Over 500 Families at LCO

Cheyenne Taylor, Coordinator of the Food Basket Program at LCO, reported today that over 500 families received several boxes of donated food, which included chicken, fresh produce, pasta, and more.

Taylor stated over $63,000 worth of food was delivered to the community on a semi load and distributed on Thursday, June 11, in the LCO Country Store parking lot.

"A few weeks back I was offered to receive this semi load of food but I didn't know if I would be able to handle the distribution and the making and delivery of the elder baskets because this needed to be done on the same day," Taylor explained. "I didn't have a location and or the space if it didn't all go. But last week I contacted the organization and told them I was ready to take it on!

And take it on they did. Cheyenne, along with two dozen volunteers, spent nearly three hours loading the food into cars as they drove through in two lines.

"It was so good to see all the smiling faces as they came through," Taylor said. "I know this food is helping a lot of families."

The food was provided by Farmers to Families and the Hunger Task Force Federation, the same program that is providing the milk and cheese which has also been handed out to families over the past few weeks.

"I wouldn't have been able to pull it off if I didn't have the help of this awesome community. I would like to thank the following people. First off I would like to thank the Farmers to Families and Hunger Task Force and the following volunteers, Bobby Sharlow and Thomas Corbine from LCO Development, Anthony Smart, Willis Cord,Clifford Penass Carol Hanlon,Forest Gokey, Cindy Carmichael, Sam Gonzalez, Zach Handle, Karen Gordan, Chris Kagigebi, Emily Schmock, Sunrise Wade, Jesse Hanlon, Roberta Crowe, Jason Flores, Lonnie Barber, Aaron Braddix, Eunice Zamora, Mark St. Germain, Devin Villebrum, Shannon Jack Jr. , And Jason Martin"

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