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Two LCO Development Remodel Projects Approved by TGB

Updated: Mar 20

By Joe Morey

News Editor

Old stone building in New Post

The Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Governing Board (TGB) at their special ARPA meeting on Tuesday, February 20, unanimously approved two projects for LCO Development, presented by Director Bob Sharlow. Those projects are the Men's Shelter and the old stone building in New Post.

The first is a remodel for the Men’s Shelter estimated for $81,974.50 for repair and remodel. The motion was made by LCO Vice Chairman Tweed Shuman and seconded by Gary “Little Guy” Clause.

TGB member Michelle Beaudin said the motion to approve repairs to the men’s shelter is because the house is over 100 years old.

“It’s deteriorating but still has a strong structure, so we want to make any repairs needed to keep it up to code and useful,” Beaudin said.

The funding source for this project is a combination of Enbridge funds and the Tribal Opioid Response Grant.

The second project was for a repair and remodel of the New Post Stone Building at a cost of $167,986.10, motioned by Shuman and seconded by Little Guy.

“The stone building in New Post was vandalized and robbed of its copper wiring,” Beaudin explained. “We are having LCO Development clean it up and restore it to its natural condition as much as they can. We are working with the New Post Community on what the use will be once it's completed.”

The old stone building was originally a school, and then according to Tom Tainter, it became a community hall which held dances, movies and small powwows. Tom said it was later used as a youth center and then it became the New Post site for the Boys and Club. It was abandoned in the early 2000's.

The funding source for this project is a combination of Enbridge funds and ARPA.

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