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WOJB to get antennae repair and new transmitter

By Joe Morey

News Editor

The LCO Tribal Governing Board recently approved using Enbridge funds to give 88.9 WOJB a much-needed boost in power. The station will get an antennae repair in the next couple of weeks. A new transmitter is planned for the spring.

LCO Vice Chairman Jason Schlender said the station is operating at 25% it’s normal power, but, “Once the antennae is done, it will boost their strength. Once the transmitter is complete they will be fully operational. This will help them with their pledge drives.”

WOJB station manager, Carissa Corbine, said the antennae was damaged by bullet holes and once the repairs are done, they will be ready for the transmitter.

“Antenna work is being done by a tower company out of Minnesota under the supervision of our engineer, Doug Thompson,” Corbine said. “He will prepare the site for the transmitter. The transmitter we are using is an old Harris tube transmitter and the new one will be a Nautel and more efficient as we use a considerable amount of energy to power our current operations. The older transmitter uses three phases of power and the new one will be a single phase”

The tribal governing board approved using $17,786 of Enbridge funds for the new antennae. Schlender said this will be a full tower, required by the Federal Communications Commission.

“The antennae will be painted and protected from ice and storm damage,” Schlender added.

The board also approved using $69,252.50 of Enbridge funds for the new transmitter.

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