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Young Men's Program Cleans and Repaints Reserve Gazebo

By Joe Morey

News Editor

For their final project, the Gwayako-Bimaadiziwin (Living the Right Kind of Life) program cleaned up and repainted the gazebo in Reserve.

The program operated under a 2-year grant and that grant ended on August 31. Next week we’ll have a full article recognizing the program that worked with young men up to the age of 24.

Regarding the Reserve project, Jason Martin Sr said the guys cleaned up the gazebo so that the Elders and community members in Reserve could enjoy the park again. He said before repainting, they picked up glass, beer cans and needles. He also recognized LCO Development for pitching in and replacing old boards.

The program coordinator, Luann Kolumbus, thanked the guys, Jaimeson, Dylan, Craig, Derreck, Devin, Mike, Collin, Jared, Seth, Brett, Jesse and Savion for doing such a great job.

“We sure are gonna miss working with you guys,” Luann said.

Photos from Jason Martin Facebook page

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